Some projects I have worked on/work on:
- I created DarkestDungeonSaveEditor: A save editor for Darkest Dungeon save files in Java, and in Rust + wasm for the browser.
- I made a bunch of XCOM 2 mods, including robojumper’s Squad Select and a bunch of contributions to the X2WOTCCommunityHighlander.
- Some XCOM 2 (modding) community servers run steam_workshop_discord: Python script that posts new Steam workshop mods to Discord.
- I contributed some code to Destiny Item Manager (DIM): To help improve the tool that supports my Destiny 2 playtime every session.
- I reworked and took over maintainance of the Skyward Sword Randomizer Web Tracker: A moderately sized single-page web app that needed porting to TypeScript and modern React with a state management strategy.